Friday, January 31, 2014

A Dream Realised

Of the very few ambitions that I have nursed, the strongest was that of sitting in a chaotic office among piles of papers and drafts, wearing my glasses and working on a computer, sipping coffee and attending non stop phone calls. The office of course belonged some big newspaper and I was one of their favorite journalists. The dream did come true, but in parts. I did attend non stop phone calls, wore glasses, worked on a computer for hours at end and sometimes even had piles of paper on my desk but it was never for a paper and I never became a journalist. Since most of the dream had realised itself, or at least the part that mattered the most, I forgot about the rest, until some months ago.

It began with reading a few blog posts, they took me back in time when I  had started working on realising my dream: I would write for the weekly column of a prominent newspaper's youth supplement and diligently hand it over in their office every Monday, it would be published every second Wednesday, I think. It was a great high: to see my thoughts on paper and my name in print. The feeling did not last long though. Destiny had other plans for me and writing became a thing of the past. Until now.

I have always had many things to say but lately did not have many people to say them to, this perhaps fuelled my urge to get back to writing. Another reason probably was the feeling of incompleteness and uselessness of life -- a feeling that invariably envelops me around my birthday. Whatever be the reason, I wrote.

My first post was more of loud thinking, some subsequent ones were attempts to build a story (I gave that up midway), many others were random thoughts about things close to my heart. Although they cannot be considered great pieces of writing in anyway, they will always be special to me. For they helped me establish a rhythm. Once I found my feet, I gained the confidence too: of sharing the blog with a larger audience and writing short, short stories and features for other blog sites. To my pleasant surprise, all of those were shortlisted and published. 

And yesterday I got to know that my article is one of the five most read pieces on menstrupedia, meanwhile my stories published in Femina's Fast Fiction are among the most read too. 

Maybe its time now to see my name in print.

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